August 2021. Interchange of CA-52 and I-805, my favorite highways.

This page is working in progress. Check back later for more content!


Apr 2024

Opera has been accepted to PLDI 2024. Explore more on our X thread.

Apr 2024

Contata has been accepted to CAV 2024.

Dec 2020

PhD applications for Fall 2021 submitted.

Oct 2020

Hoogle+ made it to OOPSLA 2020.

Jan 2020

Thrilled to win Third Place at POPL 2020 SRC.

Dec 2019

My first ever website is up and running!


Name Pronounciation. My first name is pronounced zi /*[ts]əʔ/ teng /təŋ/. I also go by Zetten.

Background. Originally from Shandong, China, I moved to the United States for my undergraduate studies at UC San Diego. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, hiking, hacking Nix and Beancount, and weight lifting.

I am fortunate to know Ziteng Yang—-we share not only the same spelling of our first name but also a passion for research in Programming Languages.

Do not check out some very random stuff from my undergraduate era. :)