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Opera has been accepted to PLDI 2024. Explore more on our X thread.
Contata has been accepted to CAV 2024.
PhD applications for Fall 2021 submitted.
Hoogle+ made it to OOPSLA 2020.
Thrilled to win Third Place at POPL 2020 SRC.
My first ever website is up and running!
Name Pronounciation. My first name is pronounced zi /*[ts]əʔ/ teng /təŋ/. I also go by Zetten.
Background. Originally from Shandong, China, I moved to the United States for my undergraduate studies at UC San Diego. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, hiking, hacking Nix and Beancount, and weight lifting.
I am fortunate to know Ziteng Yang—-we share not only the same spelling of our first name but also a passion for research in Programming Languages.
Do not check out some very random stuff from my undergraduate era. :)