Aug 2021. Junction between CA-52 and I-805.
Ziteng in front of AP&M, La Jolla

Ziteng Zetten Wang

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PhD student
The University of Texas at Austin
  UToPiA & Computer Science
  ziteng [at]

University of California San Diego
  B.S. Mathematics
  B.S. Computer Science


I am a first-year Ph.D. student at UT Austin, and my advisor is Işıl Dillig.

I'm interested in the area of Programming Languages where I could employ reasoning and checking techniques to help developers write readable, correct, and efficient programs. Now, I work on automating source-to-source translation problems.

I did my B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics at UC San Diego, working with Nadia Polikarpova.

Recent Activities

Dec '20

PhD application for Fall'21 submitted.

Oct '20

New features of Hoogle+ are published to OOPSLA'20.

Jan '20

I won Third Place at POPL'20 SRC and had a good time attending my first conference.

More activities here.
