August 2021. Interchange of CA-52 and I-805, my favorite highways.
Ziteng in front of AP&M, La Jolla

Ziteng Zetten Wang

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Ph.D. student
University of Texas at Austin
  ziteng [at]

University of California San Diego
   B.S. Computer Science
   B.S. Mathematics


I am currently in my fourth year (since 2021) as a Ph.D. student in computer science at the University of Texas at Austin, where I have the privilege of being advised by Işıl Dillig and Dixin Tang. My research interests lie primarily in the areas of programming languages, formal methods, and software engineering. Specifically, I am interested in developing techniques for program analysis and synthesis aimed at automating the creation of correct and efficient software as much as possible.

Before my Ph.D., I earned B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from UC San Diego, working as a research assistant supervised by Nadia Polikarpova.


Apr 2024

Opera has been accepted to PLDI 2024. Explore more on our X thread.

Apr 2024

Contata has been accepted to CAV 2024.

Dec 2020

PhD applications for Fall 2021 submitted.

For additional activities, click here.

Conference Paper

Control-Flow Deobfuscation using Trace-Informed Compositional Program Synthesis.
Benjamin Mariano*, Ziteng Wang*, Shankara Pailoor, Christian Collberg, and Isil Dillig.
OOPSLA 2024. [doi] [pdf]

Relational Synthesis of Recursive Programs via Constrained Tree Automata.
Anders Miltner, Ziteng Wang, Swarat Chaudhuri, and Isil Dillig.
CAV 2024. [doi] [pdf]

From Batch to Stream: Automatic Generation of Online Algorithms.
Ziteng Wang, Shankara Pailoor, Aaryan Prakash, Yuepeng Wang, and Isil Dillig.
PLDI 2024. [doi] [preprint] [talk] [slides]

Digging for Fold: Synthesis-Aided API Discovery for Haskell.
Michael B. James, Zheng Guo, Ziteng Wang, Shivani Doshi, Hila Peleg, Ranjit Jhala, and Nadia Polikarpova.
OOPSLA 2020. [doi] [pdf]

Program Synthesis by Type-Guided Abstraction Refinement.
Zheng Guo, Michael B. James, David Justo, Jiaxiao Zhou, Ziteng Wang, Ranjit Jhala, and Nadia Polikarpova.
POPL 2020. [doi] [pdf]


Test-based Solution Filtering for Program Synthesis.
Third Place, POPL 2020 Student Research Competition. [abstract] [poster] [slides]


Artifact Evaluation Committee, OOPSLA 2025


Teaching Assistant for CS 389L, Automated Logical Reasoning. Spring 2022, UT Austin
Teaching Assistant for MATH 10A, Calculus I. Winter 2021, UC San Diego
Teaching Assistant for MATH 11, Calculus-Based Introductory Probability and Statistics. Fall 2020, UC San Diego
Tutor for CSE 130, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms. Spring 2021, UC San Diego